Tim's Advanced Web Authoring Class Blog

This blog is for IDD 410 at Quinnipiac University with Prof. Greg Garvey. This will include comments, information, and criticisms about web authoring. Also included will be reactions to the book "Site-Seeing: A Visual Approach To Web usability" by Luke Wroblewski.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Revised Amistad Atlantic Freedom Tour Mission Statement

The mission of the Atlantic Freedom Tour web site for The Amistad Freedom Schooner is to bring up to date information during its voyage to the international locations during the tour. The design theme of the website will embrace the colors found on the schooner. It is also the goal to entice the user to make several return visits to this site by having these updates. These updates will include, but are not limited to, entries from the ship's crew, photos of the ports and events that have occured, and the current location of the Amistad during its tour. There will also be history and information about the importance of the original Amistad voyage with its captives along with resources and links. The audience for this web site will be not only the friends and family of the members aboard the ship, but school-aged children and anyone else who desires to follow their journey online.


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